Soft Skills
Soft-Skills Workshop
While one generation struggles to cope with the increasing pace and changes of everyday life, the generation before them knows that their success is a result of having developed individual soft skills while having the security of family and community support.
What soft skills do we provide?
Osiris Organization, Dakota County Technical College (DCTC), Burnsville High School, Two Rivers High School and South St. Paul High School are all on a mission to help students develop the kind of soft skills needed for personal, academic and career success.
In partnership with colleges and high schools, Osiris Organization provides soft skills training for students that are centered around:
- Strengths-based approach with a sensitivity to the needs of every individual
- Coaching to include a variety of tools, techniques, and strategies that aid in goal attainment such as slowing down to articulate where one is in life, choosing where they’d like to be and then putting routines in place to attain the results – just to name a few
- Cognitive science – based approaches to getting things done
- Discussions of potential barriers to include tools toward a systematized approach to aide in moving beyond them
- Monthly sessions to report progress/regression on goals and gain insight from coach
Osiris Organization’s soft skills training is made up of nine monthly workshops on topics, in conjunction with the general focus listed above, ranging from self-care, to resume writing, to increased self-esteem, to financial literacy. Guest speakers share their industry wisdom, helping students define and refine their personal, academic and career goals to help shape what they want to accomplish while in college and after graduation.
The Soft-skills strategy brings together both the hard and soft skills career readiness programming in an environment where learners can practice envisioning their future goals and aspirations.
Goals and aspirations are then defined based on the “skills gap” employers say are needed. Upon ‘success in’ and ‘completion of’ workshops with on-site help to improve confidence and job performance, increase the quality of work, independence, productivity and efficiency is then evaluated.
These on-site workshops, for registered participants only, help improve their financial acumen and self-confidence, school performance, and career exploration, all of which contribute to each students’ life goals.
IF YOUR SCHOOL IS INTERESTED in our College Soft Skill Workshops, please contact Neda Kellogg at